Participation in 3rd Phase of Giant Duathlon Series

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:: Participation in 3rd Phase of Giant Duathlon Series

During 3rd Phase of Giant Duathlon series which has been held in Dubai On 8th January 2016, Mrs. Mandana Dehghan Manshadi from I.R.IRAN could obtain 1th place in her age – Groups category (in Division FAA) among her European and Arabic competitors.

It needs to mention that Giant Duathlon series will be held in 7 phases and Mrs. Dehghan could obtain 1th places in second and third phases of this event.

منبع :

VisitCount : 4698 - News ID : 2044 - News Date : 26 Oct 1394 - 12:33:50

End News / Iran Triathlon Federation ( )

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كميته ملي المپيك جمهوري اسلامي ايران
كنفدراسيون سه گانه آسيا
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